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Dyron the Blacksmith



You look like you're a very busy person, dashing about here and there. Do you take out any time to relax?

You know, people say that some things only become clear to you if you take time out of your busy life to just stand still every now and then. A well-timed rest can yield surprising benefits.

Mission Quotes

Mission 2: Hidden in the Ashes (Dark Rumors) Part 2

...The Dark Domain? Yes, I've heard talk of such a place being located in Iruna. I've also heard that the living can't go there because it's a place for spirits to rest. In other words, it's the beyond.

There's an Army of Darkness there and rumor has it that they're waiting for an opportunity to invade our world.

...How can you get there, you ask? Don't even think about it. It would be the height of foolishness. If you're absolutely determined, you could try asking in Rokoko.

Or the ancient peoples that live beyond there might know something. Don't go taking any chances, though, do you hear?


The Blacksmith's Handbook Side Quest

Requirement: Lv 20+

Go to the ruins and find the Weaponsmith Book that is supposed to contain details of ancient weapon-making skills.

Objectives: Weaponsmith Book x1

Rewards: 1,000 spina, Damascus Steel x3, Claymore+ x1

Dyron the Blacksmith - Fort Bailune